Please contact us if you would like to be sent a yarn sample before you commit to buying. We know that knitters like to see and feel what they are using!

We will be happy to send you a sample card with all 10 colours of the 10 ply Aran weight wool.

Please send an email including your name and address to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will be in touch as soon as we can.

BlackHills NZ
Beverley R Forrester
BlackHills Farm
701 Karaka Road
Hurunui (State HW 7)
RD 1, Hawarden, North Canterbury 7385

The Wool Barn
10 Dover Street, Leithfield Village
RD 1, Amberley 7481
New Zealand
Phone: 00 64 3 314 4195

BlackHills UK
Penny Cole
Black Hills Yarn
4 High Street, Watlington
Oxfordshire OX49 5PS
Phone: 0044 1491 614 243
Fax: 0044 1491 614 354

BlackHills USA & Canada
Distribution / Stockist
Julie Miller
212 East Foothill Blvd
Suite C, Arcadia
California 910006
Phone: 626 930 1358

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